

2017 Frost and Sullivan Award – Global MRI Price/Performance Value Leadership
The SR Pulse 710 – our 71cm wide-bore, 1.5 Tesla MR system offers a “Prioritization of Features” — A perfect balance in software and hardware that meets technological and clinical needs.
2012 Frost & Sullivan – Best Practices Award
Frost & Sullivan Accolade for Swissray's Exceptional Dedication to its Customers
2008 Frost & Sullivan – Product Innovation of the Year Award
This Award is in recognition of Swissray's development of a new high-quality, low-cost digital radiography system, the ddRCompact Series.
2004 Frost & Sullivan – Best Product Value Award
Swissray's ddRModulaire recognized by Frost & Sullivan for Design Excellenceand Superior Product Value
2002 Frost & Sullivan – Market Engineering Award/Market Penetration
For Digital X-ray Market Dominance - 47.7 % market share
BMA Tower Award
Best in Business-to-Business Marketing Communications
Frost & Sullivan – Niche Player of the Year
Recognizing Swissray's commitment and dedicated focus to developing a successful product line in a single medical imaging market segment while demonstrating technical superiority and employing sound business and marketing strategies.
2001 Promotion Award from the Albert Köchlin Stiftung (AKS)
Environment Protection (Substainability)
New York Technology from Deloitte & Touche
Award for fast growing Technology Company in the New York City Area
BMA Tower Award
Best in Business-to-Business Marketing Communications
2000 FAST 50
New York Technology from Deloitte & Touche
Award for fast growing Technology Company in the New York City Area
1999 FAST 50
New York Technology from Deloitte & Touche
Award for fast growing Technology Company in the New York City Area
BMA - Marketing Excellence Award
the best exhibitor inclusive marketing appearance at the RSN
Trade Show Exhibitor Association (TSEA)
Grand Focus award naming Swissray's 'One Small Step' RSNA 99 exhibit
as the best island exhibit in North America.
1993 Innovation Award
Zentralschweizerische Handelskammer for Postprocessing System SwissVision®